TechOnTheNet Forums

When we launched Forums we were hoping to create a place where our visitors could ask questions and post solutions to help others.

To ensure that the Forums would remain beneficial for everyone we included an "Acceptable Use Policy" to encourage proper use and sharing on the site. Our hope was that this policy would deter people from misusing the site for their own benefits.

Unfortunately as time went on, we had to put in additional measures to prevent misuse and inappropriate content posting. These measures included moderating content and filtering for abusive language. Our moderation efforts raised concerns by visitors because of the delay in posting, but were unavoidable due to the growing amount of inappropriate content being posted to the site.

After a year of battling this misuse and the people finding new ways to get inappropriate content on the site, we have decided to shut down the Forums.

We really appreciate everyone who contributed to the site, especially our veteran posters who have been with us from the beginning.

Thank you all for your loyalty and understanding.